Walking on flat terrain
The blind or visually impaired person holds the guide’s arm, which can hang loosely, above the elbow. Thus the guide is always one step ahead and the accompanied person can react in time to what is encountered along the way.
Stairs should be announced. As a guide you stop before the first step and wait until the blind person stands alongside you and is ready before starting off. You should always be one step ahead on the stairs. After the last step, you should again make a brief stop. This helps prevent the blind person from stepping into empty space.
Using the right technique, you can walk through doorways together in an elegant and flowing manner. The guide opens the door and the accompanied person closes it.
Assistance toward independence
The guiding arm can indicate objects. The blind person can move his/her free hand along the guiding arm and thus find a coat hook in order to hang up the jacket independently, without having to search for a long time. Seats can also be indicated in this manner.